Search engine for accredited programs
This section allows you to search for the accredited or certified program of your choice. You will find a listing classified by subject that will make your search easy.
On the other hand, we remind you that your program could be here, allowing you to have greater visibility. We invite you to show us your proposal and be able to accredit your program with us!
A: diploma programs from 4 to 40 hours, B: diploma programs of more of 40 days, C: programs with certification
Nombre del programa/Name of program | País/Country | Por tipo de programa/By type of program |
Facilitando la metodología: Desbloqueando la inmunidad al cambio | Chile | E |
Transformational Coach | México | C |
Live Coach | México | C |
Academia Powerlife | México | E |
Convención DEHAC | México | E |
Gerente Coach ( Colombia ) | Colombia | E |